of Canterbury    Episcopal Church St. Augustine

Ministries at St. Augustine

Outreach St. Augustine of Canterbury has a heart for outreach. We support local non-profit groups quarterly, contribute to ACTS, provide food for One Table, volunteer with the Soup Kitchen, and have an annual yard sale (quite popular and well attended) with all of our proceeds to go toward our outreach efforts. We support other Episcopal ministries throughout the southeast, especially due to disasters. Internationally, we support Episcopal missionaries in Quito, Ecuador. Christian Formation We have a weekly offering for children during a portion of the Sunday service. Adult formation groups meet throughout the week, including a Wednesday Bible study, a Thursday Sunday scripture class, and a teaching series on Thursdays, following the 6 PM service. Music With the guidance of our Director of Music Matt Henderson, and the beautiful piano music of our Church Accompanist Sharon Lewis, we continue to lift the Spirit musically throughout the many seasons of worship. Complemented by excellent combined vocals, of our small but Spirit-filled choir, it brings forth a wonderfully soul-filled experience that gets more moving with each service. Fellowship and Hospitality Let’s face it: St. Augustines is a very social community. Masks and social distancing have brought forth special challenges in this area. But we still thrive by staying in touch via zoom and many other means, and now we have finally been able to reunite in worship, be it conditionally. Daughters of the King The Order of the Daughters of the King is an order for women of the Episcopal Church, whose members undertake a Rule of Life, incorporating the Rule of Prayer and the Rule of Service. Members wear a special Fleury cross inscribed in Latin “Magnanimiter Crucem Sustine” meaning “With heart and mind and spirit, uphold and bear the cross”. Daily prayers, along with specific and scheduled times for service to Christ’s kingdom on earth, are hallmarks of the Order. We currently have twenty-two Daughters and one “Daughter in Training”. Altar Guild The women and men of this group work hard weekly to provide a beautiful and reverent worship space. This is a quiet ministry that provides such a gift to the worshipper. Worship Worship is another strong suit of our congregation. Our worship style is fairly relaxed, but reverent. We follow the rubrics (directions) of the Book of Common Prayer, 1979, of The Episcopal Church. Starting on Sept. 6, we’ll restart the Wed at 5:30 PM service and Sept. 17, we’ll restart two services – 7:45 AM (w/o music) and 10 AM (with music and livestream). Facility And Grounds Upkeep Our church family members have a lot of energy. You see it on display on Sunday mornings and when we take care of our property. We have a devoted cadre of mowers, spring and fall work days, and we recently constructed a new home for our well pump. Cursillo The renewal ministry of Cursillo is very important to our community. The vast majority of our congregation have attended a Cursillo weekend. Our church as several group reunions and host Ultreyas (gatherings of the wider Cursillo community) throughout the year. De Colores and Ultreya!