of Canterbury    Episcopal Church St. Augustine


Guided by the Holy Spirit, we are passionate about:

Worshiping - Gathering and uniting with God and with one another to celebrate the joys

of life through Jesus Christ;

Caring - Attending to the spiritual, physical and emotional needs of our members and

throughout the community;

Serving - In the name of Christ to love and serve our neighbors in our community and the


Educating - To grow in our love and knowledge of God through Jesus Christ and our

ministry through continual education of our children, youth and adults;

Growing - Striving to grow spiritually and numerically as a Church family.

St. Augustine of Canterbury Episcopal Church is a thirty+ year-old Mission Congregation of the Episcopal Diocese of Upper South Carolina. In the early 1990s, the Diocese wanted to have an Episcopal presence on the south side of Aiken. After some study and discernment, ten acres on Silver Bluff Road were secured. Over time, the Sanctuary (Nave), two wings, a columbarium, and a parking lot were constructed. The members of St. Augustine of Canterbury work hard to bring the Good News of Jesus Christ to the Aiken community in a variety of ways. Our three main areas of service are outreach, hospitality, and worship. We support local non-profit groups quarterly, contribute to ACTS, and have an annual yard sale (quite popular and well attended!) with all of our proceeds to go toward our outreach efforts. Internationally, we support Episcopal missionaries in Quito, Ecuador. We seek to offer hospitality so that our guests will receive the warmest of interaction, as we play host to our brothers and sisters in Christ. Our worship style is fairly relaxed, but reverent. Our music is a balance of renewal/Cursillo/Contemporary Christian music and traditional hymns. We follow the rubrics (directions) of the Book of Common Prayer (1979) of the Episcopal Church. Our bulletins are full text, including music, so following the service is not a difficult endeavour. We welcome you to our church home.
St. Augustine Mission Committee for 2024
Outreach & Evangelism….Margaret Kopp Worship…….………….…..…….Peggy Williams Education…………………….Michael Brunson Treasurer…………….………….…..…Jack Sadler
Children’s Programs Nursery
Vicar of St. Augustine (Discerning)
Bishop of Upper South Carolina The Right Reverend Daniel P. Richards
Deacon Rev. Deacon Chris Gregory
Our Clergy
Senior Warden…..Bob Blankenheim Junior Warden……….…….Anne Kelty Communication…………...Terri Rothe Fellowship……...…………Patty Walker Clerk……………….… Lorraine Morgan